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By Shannon Crone | July 22, 2024

I am constantly looking for music that gets me pumped up, keeps me going when the times get tough and turns bad days into positive ones; and recently I came across “HOPE” by NF. Take a moment to read the below snippets of his lyrics…you are sure to be changed! “What’s my definition of success?…

Time to check-in

By Shannon Crone | July 2, 2024

At the start of the New Year, I posted about my goals for the year. With 6 months down, I figured it would be a good time to check-in with myself, assess where I am in accomplishing my goals and adjust as needed to course correct. My goals were simple: “First and most importantly, I…

Push yourself, don’t stress yourself

By Shannon Crone | July 2, 2024

I’m not a New Years’ resolution person, but I absolutely use the start of a year to look back at all I accomplished in the outgoing year and set new goals for the year ahead. I’m proud of many of my successes this past year but I’m most proud of recognizing the mental challenges I…

Mahalo (thank you)

By Shannon Crone | October 18, 2023

I started this blog to journal about IRONMAN training and create awareness around pancreatic cancer. I learned a lot about myself through this journey and, along the way, I hope I’ve educated some of you on the symptoms of pancreatic cancer, what to do if you don’t know where to turn and on the great…

IRONMAN World Championship Race Report

By Shannon Crone | October 18, 2023

The world championships IRONMAN is the only race I’ve done in recent years where we did both an age group start and a water start. My age group (45-49) was the last wave of athletes to start the race…nearly an hour after the pro women started, so we saw the pro women coming into transition…


By Shannon Crone | October 10, 2023

When I started this blog nearly 6 weeks ago it seemed like IRONMAN World Championship was so far away. Now that the race is just days away, I realize it didn’t seem real then. Yet, my stomach and mind are constant reminders that it is very real. Travel to Hawai’i (the Big Island) was uneventful…

The hay is in the barn

By Shannon Crone | October 4, 2023

It probably comes without saying the statement “the hay is in the barn” means all the hard work is done. It is often referenced in conversations related to endurance events or other athletic endeavors. I continually remind myself of this fact when I begin tapering or cutting back on the volume and intensity of training…

Know thyself

By Shannon Crone | September 21, 2023

According to Wikipedia, the statement “know thyself” has been around since the Ancient Greeks. From my quick research, the principle meaning of the statement was to “know your limits”, which seems to have spanned from knowing the extent of one’s abilities to knowing one’s place in society. Apparently though, the statement took on a slightly…

Developing and testing hypotheses

By Shannon Crone | September 15, 2023

While I did well in science classes as a kid and teenager, I was never going to be the next Bill Nye. Looking back, I didn’t enjoy establishing a theory or hypothesis as to why something happened and how the outcome would change if I tweaked one little thing. Why couldn’t it just work the…

Stomaching the Roller Coaster

By Shannon Crone | September 7, 2023

I’ve been an avid lover of roller coasters since my head crossed over the “you must be this tall to ride” marking. I loved everything about them…the waiting in line and associated anticipation, the getting locked in for a safe ride, the slow, clanking ride up the climb and the extraordinarily fast seconds that followed…