Grief is hard; be kind to yourself

Recently I filmed a webcast on grief, how difficult it can be, the things I learned about it and how to do my best to manage it. Recording the webcast made me realize how my experiences may help at least 1 of you experiencing grief or help someone with a friend who is struggling with…

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Keep believing

For months I’ve been training for my 7th IRONMAN 70.3 and let’s just say the training has been wrought with challenges. I’ve experienced and continued to battle issues with my GI system, I’ve tried elimination diets to see what’s causing the issues and I’ve dealt with extraordinarily low energy (like struggle to get out of…

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My cup is full

This weekend was not like any other weekend…I rode 80 miles over 2 days in memory of my husband, Mike, and in honor of my mother-in-law (Anne), my best friend (Mel) and my aunt (Elaine). Each has been diagnosed with cancer and thankfully 3 of them are with us still today due to their courageous…

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I am constantly looking for music that gets me pumped up, keeps me going when the times get tough and turns bad days into positive ones; and recently I came across “HOPE” by NF. Take a moment to read the below snippets of his lyrics…you are sure to be changed! “What’s my definition of success?…

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Time to check-in

At the start of the New Year, I posted about my goals for the year. With 6 months down, I figured it would be a good time to check-in with myself, assess where I am in accomplishing my goals and adjust as needed to course correct. My goals were simple: “First and most importantly, I…

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Push yourself, don’t stress yourself

I’m not a New Years’ resolution person, but I absolutely use the start of a year to look back at all I accomplished in the outgoing year and set new goals for the year ahead. I’m proud of many of my successes this past year but I’m most proud of recognizing the mental challenges I…

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Mahalo (thank you)

I started this blog to journal about IRONMAN training and create awareness around pancreatic cancer. I learned a lot about myself through this journey and, along the way, I hope I’ve educated some of you on the symptoms of pancreatic cancer, what to do if you don’t know where to turn and on the great…

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IRONMAN World Championship Race Report

The world championships IRONMAN is the only race I’ve done in recent years where we did both an age group start and a water start. My age group (45-49) was the last wave of athletes to start the race…nearly an hour after the pro women started, so we saw the pro women coming into transition…

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When I started this blog nearly 6 weeks ago it seemed like IRONMAN World Championship was so far away. Now that the race is just days away, I realize it didn’t seem real then. Yet, my stomach and mind are constant reminders that it is very real. Travel to Hawai’i (the Big Island) was uneventful…

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The hay is in the barn

It probably comes without saying the statement “the hay is in the barn” means all the hard work is done. It is often referenced in conversations related to endurance events or other athletic endeavors. I continually remind myself of this fact when I begin tapering or cutting back on the volume and intensity of training…

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